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"Wild" Crab Apple (Malus spp.)
"Wild" Crab Apple (Malus spp.) Its no secret that deer absolutely hammer apples and crabapples, and we’ll go as far to say there may not be a more effective “draw and hold” to deer than a big grove of them. ...
American Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana)
A fast growing perennial that can be pruned way back (even to the ground) by deer or shears and rebound in no time. American beautyberry has fragrant, fuzzy green foliage that is considered moderate in its preference to deer. In...
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American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)
  The common persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) is an incredibly attractive, economical food source we should all manage or incorporate on our properties. Healthy sources of mast such as persimmon are beneficial to bucks, but does and their nursing fawns receive added...
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American Plum (Prunus americana)
    Thanks to the many beneficial wildlife and soil programs over the years, American plum has been planted as hedge rows/wind breaks and wildlife habitat all over the place, especially in the more northern agricultural states of the midwest-...
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Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
Bald cypress, a long-lived wetland monarch, is an incredibly important component of floodplains, sloughs, swamps, brakes, or anywhere else that remains too wet for most other trees. Wood from mature trees is highly valuable due to its ability to withstand...
$35.94 $24.99
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Beadles Oak Hybrid (Quercus x beadlei)
Imagine a tree that combines the abundant acorn production and preferred timber quality of a true white oak with the large acorns and allure of the fast growing swamp chestnut oak.  Now imagine that same tree, a reality that can...
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Big bluestem Native Grass Seed Plugs - Andropogon gerardii ‘Kaw’
Big bluestem Native Grass Plugs -  Andropogon gerardii ‘Kaw’ Big bluestem is often the first species that comes to mind when referring to native warm season grasses.  Its clumping nature, and heavy yields of both above and below-ground biomass make “big...
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Biologic Plant & Soil Food with Organix (15 lbs.)
Tree Protection items are shipped via UPS the first shipping day following the day the order is received.  We do not ship tree protection items and supplies on Saturday or Sunday.  15-15-15 Fertilizer Enhanced with Major & Minor Nutrients Feed Your: Trees |...
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Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)
  Commonly used by our forefathers as a flavoring in rum concoctions as well as in cough syrup and jellies, the black cherry tree is a favorite to both man and game. After the attractive cluster of small white flowers...
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Black Oak (Quercus velutina)
 A good “all around” oak, the black oak can commonly be found in a variety of places. This oak will tolerate higher and drier sites but is also typical of sites slightly above bottoms. A member of the red oak...
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Blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica)
 As sweet as Tupelo honey, the black gum is one of our most attractive native trees. Also known as Black Tupelo, this tree offers a dense buffet of small black berries that are irresistible to songbirds and game birds alike....
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Blanket Flower(Gallardia) Wildflower Seed Plugs
Blanket flower is a 2’ to 4’ tall native perennial with native distribution primarily in the west and northern most tier of states.  It grows best in dry to medium moisture soils and will not tolerate wet sites.  Blanket flower...
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Blazing Star (Liatris spicata)
Dense Blazing Star Do an internet search of the words “native,” “prairie,” “pollinator” and “purple,” and the genus Liatris will most definitely be in the top three along with purple prairie clover, and purple coneflower. Folks collectively refer to the...
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Blight Resistant Chestnut Bundle
We have one of the best crops of Blight Resistant Chestnuts and want to give our customers the best blight resistant chestnut trees at the best price anywhere.  Create a personal chestnut orchard for your own consumption or wildlife.  6...
$65.94 $49.99
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Blight Resistant Chestnuts (Castanea mollissima/hybrids)
  Chestnuts are nothing short of highly nutritious wildlife magnets that produce crops annually beginning at a very young age…in fact its highly possible to see a few nuts on saplings as young as three years old. And chestnuts aren’t...
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Burr Oak (Quercus macrocarpa)
The Majestic Bur oak has a “can do” attitude unlike any other oak in existence. It can thrive in the most fertile bottomlands and survive on the craggiest hilltops. It can tolerate the coldest of winters to the hottest summers-...
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Butterfly Weed Wildflower Seed Plug 6 Pack (Asclepias tuberosa)
Butterfly Weed Wildflower Plugs  6 Pack- Asclepias tuberosa We think you should try growing ALL the milkweeds, but if you had to choose just one- this would likely be the most all-purpose choice. Most folks wouldn’t argue with this being...
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Butterfly Weed Wildflower Seed Plugs (Asclepias tuberosa)
Butterfly Weed Wildflower Plugs - Asclepias tuberosa We think you should try growing ALL the milkweeds, but if you had to choose just one- this would likely be the most all-purpose choice. Most folks wouldn’t argue with this being the...
Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)
Buttonbush has to be one of the most underrated or “not popular yet” plants on the market, but we’re here to change that. Part of the reason for its obscurity is that it suffers from identity crisis due to having...
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Cardinal Flower Wildflower Seed Plug 6 Pack (Lobelia cardinalis)
Cardinal Flower Wildflower Garden Plugs - 6 pack - Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower is a perennial native herbaceous plant most often found on moist sites along streams, ditches, and other low lying areas. The bright red flowers are so vivid that its...

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